Quality No. 4
One of the profound qualities of an Anti-Guru is 'History Centeredness'. What do we mean by this. For a anti-guru the guru can only be 'in History' if at all there can be one. There are many organizations and individuals today who glorify the past at the expense of the present. I'm not saying something is wrong with glorifying the past. But lets be clear that the present is equally important.
Lets see what I mean. If for some reason we cease to have any history and all history is lost, then what happens to our tradition? ALL History centric ideas will cease to exist. Means, any divinity of any person will not be available to us. But our inner self will be available to us. Our strong understanding will be available to us. From the Eternal reality of our tradition the truth will be reclaimed back again because Truth is Eternal. This Truth is available to the common man only with the help of Living Gurus. The Truth is available only with people who have realized and attained oneness with that ultimate reality and are living it. In essence the Living Guru is the inevitable Truth and uniqueness of our tradition. But for the people who don't want to accept that there can be a Living Guru viz. the Moron anti living-gurus, for them nothing is left. They depend on a history. For them nothing else is a possibility.
And that is quite natural. If there is a Living Guru and you accept that he is a Living Guru, then its a huge problem of power! How can the moron surrender? because there is not an iota of surrender in him. If at all sometimes he acts as though he surrenders to something but later on when it doesn't work out he needs a way out. The way out is to shout badly about the Guru so that the anti-guru doesn't feel any guilt. Guilt is a huge thing. Whether the anti-guru knows about this or not is a different story.
He will never encourage it. Whatever good you say about the Guru, the anti-guru will always focus only on the negative points. Whatever it may be.
For example, there are a few people against the current Sathya Sai Baba for him sitting on a Golden Throne. They give this as the reason why they think he is not a Living Guru. This is just pure ignorance.
There are thousands of monastaries all over India where all the Gurus have Golden Throne. A special mention has to go to the Tiruvaaduthurai Adeenam ( I hope I spelt is right) throne. There the throne has more than 18 steps before the Guru can sit. In each step there is a huge collection of rare items from all over the world including tusk of the rhinocerous from Africa which was collected centuries ago to make this throne at that time. The king told the Guru 'Nothing except the rudraksha kandi and the sacred ash is fit enough to be on top of this throne. Everything else can be at the feet of the Guru'. The king had such a tremendous 'Bhakti' for the Guru. He made the throne better than even his own.
In fact recently somebody posed a question. 'Will Shirdi Sai Baba ever sit on a Golden Throne?'. Seems like Shirdi Sai Baba the great Enlightened Guru has answered the question Himself. He is now sitting on a Golden Throne in Shirdi just for the joy of millions of His devotees worldwide.
All that happens in Shirdi is with His wish. If you think not, then you are questioning the divinity of Shirdi Sai. It implies that the questioner doesn't understand that Shirdi Sai Himself is sitting to bless His devotees. It is then a definite contradiction.
Jai Sri Sai Ram!