Sunday, November 29, 2009


Sunday, November 29, 2009
Guru Brahma Guru Vishnu
Gurur Devo Maheshwara
Guru Sakshat Para Brahma
Tasmai Shri Gurave Namah

'Guru is the Lord Brahma,Guru is the Lord Vishnu
Guru is the Lord Maheshwara
Guru is verily the Para Brahman - Absolute Reality
I bow dow in surrender to the Guru'

Dhyana Moolam Guru Murti
Puja Moolam Gurur Padam,
Mantra Moolam Gurur Vakyam,
Moksha Moolam Guru Kripa

'Remebering the Guru's form IS 'Dhyana' / meditation
Offering to the Guru's feet IS 'Puja'
Words of the Guru IS 'Mantra'
Grace of the Guru IS 'Moksha' / Liberation'

The river does not drink its own water nor does a tree eat its own fruit. They exist solely for the benefit of others. Similarly there are people in this world who come down time and again for the upliftment of humanity. They are called 'Guru'.

The word Guru is composed of the syllables 'gu' and 'ru', the former signifying 'darkness', and the latter signifying 'the destroyer of that [darkness]', hence a guru is one characterized as someone who dispels spiritual ignorance (darkness), with spiritual illumination (light) as per Advaya-Tãraka Upanishad (verse 16),

The syllable gu means shadows
The syllable ru, he who disperses them,
Because of the power to disperse darkness
the guru is thus named.

– Advayataraka Upanishad 14—18, verse 5

As Krishna puts it in the holy text of Gita - 'Sambhavaami yuge yuge' i.e. 'I will come down again and again' to uplift dharma for the benefit of Humanity. We bow down to each and every Guru who has, is and will be alive.


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